Message from the Chairman of the Board of Directors Home

Message from the Chairman of the Board of Directors

Dear all,

First and foremost, I would like to seek this opportunity to formally introduce myself. I am honored to be the chairman of Al Yasser community.

This isn’t just a job. It’s what we believe. We chose this profession. Educators chose to make a difference in somebody else’s life.

Our vision stems from years of personal and team reflections, conferences, training sessions and real life situations.

We are building an educational program fit for the future.

We do not let the physical barriers get in the way of providing our students with the tools and resources to be autonomous, find creative solutions and build healthy relationships.  We nurture a culture in which we all feel supported, cared for, and safe.

We believe in an education that is unique for every child and teenager to help them create a clear sense of purpose and identity.

We believe in a community of young learners who develop through communication, difficult moments and mistakes. We support them to discover their strengths and vulnerabilities on their path to greatness. We inspire students to understand rather than judge and act according to the surroundings. They learn to lead a mindful, healthy life by practicing recharging, renewal, and ongoing learning.



Counselor / Kamal Massoud

5th settlement, 90th Street, Southern Investors Area, Behind Dorra Group of Companies, New Cairo, Cairo, Egypt


From 8 am to 2 pm